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AbstractConnection - Class in org.ardulink.core
AbstractConnection() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.AbstractConnection
AbstractListenerLink - Class in org.ardulink.core

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project Ardulink

AbstractListenerLink() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
addConnectionListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
addCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
addCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
addCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
addCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
addListener(Connection.Listener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractConnection
addListener(EventListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
addListener(Connection.Listener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Connection
addListener(EventListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
addListener(EventListener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
addListener(EventListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
addMessageId(T, long) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.MessageIdHolders
Creates a dynamic proxy that implements MessageIdHolder automatically.
addRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
addRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
addRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
addRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
alpProtocolMessage(ALProtoBuilder.ALPProtocolKey) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
ALProtoBuilder - Class in org.ardulink.core.proto.impl

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ALProtoBuilder.ALPProtocolKey - Enum in org.ardulink.core.proto.impl
analogPin(int) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
AnalogPinValueChangedEvent - Interface in

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project Ardulink

arduinoCommand(String) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
ArdulinkProtocol2 - Class in org.ardulink.core.proto.impl

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project Ardulink

ArdulinkProtocol2() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2


Builder(Pin.AnalogPin) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.Tone.Builder


choiceDependsOn() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
If the attribute's choice depends on other attribute (the choice can not be determined before those attributes are filled) those attributes are returned otherwise an empty array.
Classloaders - Class in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
close() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
close() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
close() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
close() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
close() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamConnection
close() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamReader
close() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamScanner
Connection - Interface in org.ardulink.core

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Represents a Connection to an Arduino (ArduLink) board.
Connection.Listener - Interface in org.ardulink.core
The Listener is called on data received from the Arduino.
Connection.ListenerAdapter - Class in org.ardulink.core
ConnectionBasedLink - Class in org.ardulink.core

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project Ardulink

ConnectionBasedLink(Connection, Protocol) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
ConnectionBasedLink.Mode - Enum in org.ardulink.core
ConnectionListener - Interface in org.ardulink.core

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connectionLost() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.ConnectionListener
contactListeners4Received(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractConnection
contactListeners4Sent(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractConnection
CustomEvent - Interface in

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project Ardulink

customEventReceived(CustomEvent) - Method in interface
CustomListener - Interface in

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project Ardulink


DefaultAnalogPinValueChangedEvent - Class in

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project Ardulink

DefaultAnalogPinValueChangedEvent(Pin.AnalogPin, int) - Constructor for class
DefaultCustomEvent - Class in

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DefaultCustomEvent(String) - Constructor for class
DefaultDigitalPinValueChangedEvent - Class in

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project Ardulink

DefaultDigitalPinValueChangedEvent(Pin.DigitalPin, boolean) - Constructor for class
DefaultFromDeviceChangeListeningState - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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DefaultFromDeviceChangeListeningState(Pin, FromDeviceChangeListeningState.Mode) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceChangeListeningState
DefaultFromDeviceMessageCustom - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultFromDeviceMessageCustom(String) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessageCustom
DefaultFromDeviceMessageEvent - Class in

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project Ardulink

DefaultFromDeviceMessageEvent(FromDeviceMessage) - Constructor for class
DefaultFromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultFromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged(Pin, Object) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged
DefaultFromDeviceMessageReady - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultFromDeviceMessageReady() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessageReady
DefaultFromDeviceMessageReply - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultFromDeviceMessageReply(boolean, long, Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessageReply
DefaultRplyEvent - Class in

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project Ardulink

DefaultRplyEvent(boolean, long, Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Constructor for class
DefaultToDeviceMessageCustom - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultToDeviceMessageCustom(String...) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageCustom
DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress(char, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress
DefaultToDeviceMessageNoTone - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultToDeviceMessageNoTone(Pin.AnalogPin) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageNoTone
DefaultToDeviceMessagePinStateChange - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultToDeviceMessagePinStateChange(Pin.DigitalPin, boolean) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessagePinStateChange
DefaultToDeviceMessagePinStateChange(Pin.AnalogPin, int) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessagePinStateChange
DefaultToDeviceMessageStartListening - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultToDeviceMessageStartListening(Pin) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageStartListening
DefaultToDeviceMessageStopListening - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultToDeviceMessageStopListening(Pin) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageStopListening
DefaultToDeviceMessageTone - Class in org.ardulink.core.messages.impl

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project Ardulink

DefaultToDeviceMessageTone(Tone) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageTone
deregisterAllEventListeners() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
digitalPin(int) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
DigitalPinValueChangedEvent - Interface in

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EMPTY_ARRAY - Static variable in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
endless() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Tone.Builder
equals(Object) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
EventListener - Interface in

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project Ardulink

EventListenerAdapter - Class in

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project Ardulink

EventListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class
extractNameFromURI(URI) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager


FactoriesViaMetaInfArdulink - Class in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
FactoriesViaMetaInfArdulink() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.FactoriesViaMetaInfArdulink
FactoriesViaServiceLoader - Class in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
FactoriesViaServiceLoader() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.FactoriesViaServiceLoader
FilteredEventListenerAdapter - Class in

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project Ardulink

FilteredEventListenerAdapter(Pin, EventListener) - Constructor for class
fireConnectionLost() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
fireCustomReceived(CustomEvent) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
fireReconnected() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
fireReplyReceived(RplyEvent) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
fireStateChanged(AnalogPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
fireStateChanged(DigitalPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
forChar(char) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
forPin(int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
forPin(Pin.AnalogPin) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.Tone
fromDevice(byte[]) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
fromDevice(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
FromDeviceChangeListeningState - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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FromDeviceChangeListeningState.Mode - Enum in org.ardulink.core.messages.api
FromDeviceMessage - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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This marker interface represents an incoming to Ardulink message.
FromDeviceMessageCustom - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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FromDeviceMessageEvent - Interface in

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project Ardulink

FromDeviceMessageListener - Interface in

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project Ardulink

FromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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project Ardulink

FromDeviceMessageReady - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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project Ardulink

fromDeviceMessageReceived(FromDeviceMessageEvent) - Method in interface
FromDeviceMessageReply - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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fromString(String) - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder.ALPProtocolKey


getAnalogPin() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageNoTone
getAnalogPin() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageNoTone
getAttribute(String) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.Configurer
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.Configurer
getByName(String) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocols
getChoiceValues() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
Returns the choice values (if any) of this attribute.
getConfigurer(URI) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager
Returns a newly created LinkManager.Configurer for the passed URI.
getConnection() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
getDefault() - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.Links
Returns the default Link which is a connection to the first serial port.
getDefaultConfigurer() - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.Links
getDelegate() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
getDelegate() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
getDescription() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
Returns the description of this attribute.
getDurationInMillis() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Tone
getFromDeviceMessage() - Method in interface
getFromDeviceMessage() - Method in class
getHertz() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Tone
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in interface
getId() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceMessageReply
getId() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessageReply
getId() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.MessageIdHolder
getInstance() - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager
getKeychar() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeychar() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeycode() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeycode() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeylocation() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeylocation() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeymodifiers() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeymodifiers() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeymodifiersex() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getKeymodifiersex() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageKeyPress
getLink(String) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.Links
Returns a shared Link to the passed URI.
getLink(URI) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.Links
Returns a shared Link to the passed URI.
getLink(LinkManager.Configurer) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.Links
getListeners() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractConnection
getMessage() - Method in interface
getMessage() - Method in class
getMessage() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceMessageCustom
getMessage() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessageCustom
getMessages() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageCustom
getMessages() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageCustom
getMode() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceChangeListeningState
getMode() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceChangeListeningState
getName() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkFactory
getName() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
Returns the name of this attribute.
getName() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
getName() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
getParameterNames() - Method in class
getParameterNames() - Method in interface
getParameters() - Method in class
getParameters() - Method in interface
getParameters() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceMessageReply
getParameters() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessageReply
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class
getParameterValue(String) - Method in interface
getPin() - Method in interface
getPin() - Method in class
getPin() - Method in class
getPin() - Method in interface
getPin() - Method in class
getPin() - Method in interface
getPin() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceChangeListeningState
getPin() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged
getPin() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessagePinStateChange
getPin() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageStartListening
getPin() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageStopListening
getPin() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceChangeListeningState
getPin() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged
getPin() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessagePinStateChange
getPin() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageStartListening
getPin() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageStopListening
getPin() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Tone
getProtocol() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
getSeparator() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
getSeparator() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
getTone() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessageTone
getTone() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageTone
getType() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
Returns the type of this attribute.
getType() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin.AnalogPin
getType() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin.DigitalPin
getType() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
getValidationInfo() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
getValue() - Method in interface
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in class
getValue() - Method in interface
getValue() - Method in interface
getValue() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
Returns the current value of this attribute.
getValue() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged
getValue() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.ToDeviceMessagePinStateChange
getValue() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessagePinStateChanged
getValue() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessagePinStateChange


hasChoiceValues() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
Returns true if this attribute has predefined choice values.
hashCode() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
hasNext() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamScanner
hasRplyListeners() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink


instance() - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
interrupt() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamScanner
invoke(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.MessageIdHolders.MessageIdHolderInvocationHandler
is(Pin.Type) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
isConfigured(LinkManager.ConfigAttribute) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.Links
isInterrupted() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamScanner
isOk() - Method in class
isOk() - Method in interface
isOk() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceMessageReply
isOk() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultFromDeviceMessageReply


Link - Interface in org.ardulink.core

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LinkConfig - Interface in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager

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LinkConfig.ChoiceFor - Annotation Type in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
LinkConfig.I18n - Annotation Type in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
LinkConfig.Named - Annotation Type in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
LinkDelegate - Class in org.ardulink.core.convenience

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LinkDelegate(Link) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
LinkFactory<T extends LinkConfig> - Interface in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager

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LinkManager - Class in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager

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project Ardulink

LinkManager() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager
LinkManager.ConfigAttribute - Interface in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
LinkManager.Configurer - Interface in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
LinkManager.NumberValidationInfo - Interface in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
LinkManager.ValidationInfo - Interface in org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
Links - Class in org.ardulink.core.convenience

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This is a convenience layer for retrieving links.
list() - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocols
ListenerAdapter() - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.Connection.ListenerAdapter
listURIs() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager
List all available (registered) URIs.
loadLinkFactories() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.FactoriesViaMetaInfArdulink
loadLinkFactories() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.FactoriesViaServiceLoader


max() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.NumberValidationInfo
Message - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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This marker interface represents an incoming to or an outgoing from Ardulink message.
MessageIdHolder - Interface in org.ardulink.core.proto.api

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project Ardulink

MessageIdHolderInvocationHandler(Object, long) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.MessageIdHolders.MessageIdHolderInvocationHandler
MessageIdHolders - Class in org.ardulink.core.proto.api

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MessageIdHolders.MessageIdHolderInvocationHandler - Class in org.ardulink.core.proto.api
min() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.NumberValidationInfo
ModuleClassLoader - Class in org.ardulink.core.classloader
ModuleClassLoader(String) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.classloader.ModuleClassLoader
ModuleClassLoader(File) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.classloader.ModuleClassLoader
ModuleClassLoader(ClassLoader, String) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.classloader.ModuleClassLoader
ModuleClassLoader(ClassLoader, File) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.classloader.ModuleClassLoader
moduleClassloader() - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.Classloaders


names() - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocols
newLink(T) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkFactory
newLink() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.Configurer
newLinkConfig() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkFactory
next() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamScanner
NO_ATTRIBUTES - Static variable in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkConfig
NO_ID - Static variable in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.MessageIdHolders
NULL - Static variable in interface org.ardulink.core.Connection.Listener
NULL - Static variable in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ValidationInfo


onLink(Link) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.ResponseAwaiter
Do not reuse instances! After calling ResponseAwaiter.waitForResponse(long) the reply listener is deregistered! So you need to create a new instance.
org.ardulink.core - package org.ardulink.core
org.ardulink.core.classloader - package org.ardulink.core.classloader
org.ardulink.core.convenience - package org.ardulink.core.convenience - package
org.ardulink.core.linkmanager - package org.ardulink.core.linkmanager
org.ardulink.core.messages.api - package org.ardulink.core.messages.api - package - package
org.ardulink.core.messages.impl - package org.ardulink.core.messages.impl
org.ardulink.core.proto.api - package org.ardulink.core.proto.api
org.ardulink.core.proto.impl - package org.ardulink.core.proto.impl
org.ardulink.core.qos - package org.ardulink.core.qos


Pin - Class in org.ardulink.core

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Pin.AnalogPin - Class in org.ardulink.core
Pin.DigitalPin - Class in org.ardulink.core
Pin.Type - Enum in org.ardulink.core
pinNum() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
PinValueChangedEvent - Interface in

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Protocol - Interface in org.ardulink.core.proto.api

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Protocols - Class in org.ardulink.core.proto.api

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QosLink - Class in org.ardulink.core.qos

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Arduino sends ok/ko messages directly after receiving the work message.
QosLink(Link) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
QosLink(Link, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink


readUntilClosed(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamReader
received(byte[]) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Connection.Listener
Called whenever a message was received from arduino.
received(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Connection.ListenerAdapter
reconnected() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.ConnectionListener
removeConnectionListener(ConnectionListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
removeCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
removeCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
removeCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
removeCustomListener(CustomListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
removeListener(Connection.Listener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractConnection
removeListener(EventListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
removeListener(Connection.Listener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Connection
removeListener(EventListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
removeListener(EventListener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
removeListener(EventListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
removeRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.AbstractListenerLink
removeRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
removeRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
removeRplyListener(RplyListener) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
ResponseAwaiter - Class in org.ardulink.core.qos
RplyEvent - Interface in

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RplyListener - Interface in

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rplyReceived(RplyEvent) - Method in interface
runReaderThread(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamReader


sendCustomMessage(String...) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
sendCustomMessage(String...) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
sendCustomMessage(String...) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
sendCustomMessage(String...) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
sendKeyPressEvent(char, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
sendKeyPressEvent(char, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
sendKeyPressEvent(char, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
sendKeyPressEvent(char, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
sendNoTone(Pin.AnalogPin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
sendNoTone(Pin.AnalogPin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
sendNoTone(Pin.AnalogPin) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
sendNoTone(Pin.AnalogPin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
sendTone(Tone) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
sendTone(Tone) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
sendTone(Tone) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
sendTone(Tone) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
sent(byte[]) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Connection.Listener
Called whenever a message was sent to the arduino.
sent(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Connection.ListenerAdapter
setChoiceValues(LinkManager.Configurer) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.Links
setValue(Object) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.ConfigAttribute
Sets the new value of this attribute.
startListening(Pin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
startListening(Pin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
startListening(Pin) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
startListening(Pin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
stateChanged(AnalogPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in interface
stateChanged(DigitalPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in interface
stateChanged(AnalogPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in class
stateChanged(DigitalPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in class
stateChanged(AnalogPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in class
stateChanged(DigitalPinValueChangedEvent) - Method in class
stopListening(Pin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
stopListening(Pin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
stopListening(Pin) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
stopListening(Pin) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
StreamConnection - Class in org.ardulink.core

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StreamConnection(InputStream, OutputStream, Protocol) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.StreamConnection
StreamReader - Class in org.ardulink.core

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StreamReader(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.StreamReader
StreamScanner - Class in org.ardulink.core
Scanner for Stream.
StreamScanner(InputStream, byte[]) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.StreamScanner
StreamScanner(InputStream, byte[], int) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.StreamScanner
switchAnalogPin(Pin.AnalogPin, int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
switchAnalogPin(Pin.AnalogPin, int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
switchAnalogPin(Pin.AnalogPin, int) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
switchAnalogPin(Pin.AnalogPin, int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink
switchDigitalPin(Pin.DigitalPin, boolean) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
switchDigitalPin(Pin.DigitalPin, boolean) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.convenience.LinkDelegate
switchDigitalPin(Pin.DigitalPin, boolean) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Link
switchDigitalPin(Pin.DigitalPin, boolean) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.QosLink


toDevice(ToDeviceMessageStartListening) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageStopListening) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
toDevice(ToDeviceMessagePinStateChange) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageKeyPress) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageTone) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageNoTone) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageCustom) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocol
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageStartListening) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageStopListening) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
toDevice(ToDeviceMessagePinStateChange) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageKeyPress) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageTone) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageNoTone) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
toDevice(ToDeviceMessageCustom) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ArdulinkProtocol2
ToDeviceMessage - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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This marker interface represents an outgoing from Ardulink message.
ToDeviceMessageCustom - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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ToDeviceMessageKeyPress - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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ToDeviceMessageNoTone - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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ToDeviceMessagePinStateChange - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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ToDeviceMessageStartListening - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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ToDeviceMessageStopListening - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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ToDeviceMessageTone - Interface in org.ardulink.core.messages.api

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toHolder(Object) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.MessageIdHolders
Tone - Class in org.ardulink.core

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Tone(Tone.Builder) - Constructor for class org.ardulink.core.Tone
Tone.Builder - Class in org.ardulink.core
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.messages.impl.DefaultToDeviceMessageCustom
toString() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Pin
tryByName(String) - Static method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.api.Protocols


uniqueIdentifier() - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.linkmanager.LinkManager.Configurer
Creates an object that identifies the Configurer in its current state and thus the Link it would create at that moment.
usingMessageId(Long) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceChangeListeningState.Mode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.Pin.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder.ALPProtocolKey
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.messages.api.FromDeviceChangeListeningState.Mode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.Pin.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder.ALPProtocolKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForArduinoToBoot(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
Will wait for the arduino to received the "ready" paket or the arduino to respond to our messages sent.
waitForArduinoToBoot(int, TimeUnit, ConnectionBasedLink.Mode) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.ConnectionBasedLink
Will wait for the arduino to received the "ready" paket or the arduino to respond to our messages sent.
waitForResponse(long) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.ResponseAwaiter
This method blocks until the response for the passed message id is received.
withDuration(int, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Tone.Builder
withHertz(int) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.Tone.Builder
withoutValue() - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
withState(boolean) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
withTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.qos.ResponseAwaiter
withValue(Object) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
withValues(String...) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.proto.impl.ALProtoBuilder
write(byte[]) - Method in interface org.ardulink.core.Connection
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.ardulink.core.StreamConnection
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